Flu vaccine

Flu vaccine - protects and saves costs!

The next winter and the next wave of influenza is sure to come. Flu vaccinations are very trendy.
Autumn is just around the corner and the cold season is starting again. Everybody knows the annoying symptoms of a cold: cough, sore throat, headaches, aching limbs and high temperature. These are often rather harmless flu-like infections. However, the real virus flu (influenza) is a serious illness.

Influenza viruses are transmitted from person to person by droplet infections. The viruses' first point of attack is the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. There they first multiply. Then they cause severe inflammation in the body. Elderly people, immunocompromised people and people with chronic diseases in particular often have severe courses of influenza. The weakening of the immune system can also lead to further, sometimes life-threatening complications. Influenza viruses are constantly changing, so that people who have already been infected have only limited protection against a new infection.

What advantages does it offer companies?
Entrepreneurs can have the flu vaccination offered by the company doctor as a preventive measure for their employees. If as many employees in a company as possible are vaccinated, sickness absence is reduced and downtime can be minimised. Depending on the employee's qualifications, an absence due to illness can cost the company several hundred euros per day - in view of this, flu vaccination is a worthwhile investment for the entrepreneur. Furthermore, the company doctor can vaccinate the employees in the company. This results in a saving of time and travel for them.

We would be happy to talk to you about a discount for group bookings, please contact us today.

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